Girl or Boy? Let's find out! We want to help you decide which is the best sex / gender determination test for you. We understand that there are multiple options / choices available in the market. So, please find below the comparison table to help you decide between the available choices for sex / gender determination need.

Note: At home Peekaboo tests available too. They are although the same science but the amount of blood draw is limited as you draw blood with a finger prick. Hence, the sample quantity to process the foetal DNA is limited and hence there is a significant chance of obtaining a not so desired result owing due to inadequate sample quantity.
Why Should you choose us for your Boy or Girl (Gender Determination Test)?
- Complete transparency and consultative approach -- so you can ask any questions, we will be glad to answer them for you
- Competitive pricing
- Minimal wait time due to appointment based scheduling
- Credible collaboration with accredited labs
- Fast reporting
- Finally, customer friendly approach in everything we do
Contact Us for any additional questions you may have
Isha Diagnostics 2360 Mckee Rd, Suite 8, San Jose, CA 95116 Phone: 650 866 0040